Tuesday 31 January 2012


Spent a little time in the uni darkroom today, printing some of the sneaky photos I took on my grandad's old 120 camera. Having never used 120 film before (its like regular 35mm film, but bigger.) I was surprised at how sharp the negatives were; and the prints were very crisp. Here's some examples...

 Michael and Alison. There's a peculiar tension between them here, like two people that have just had an argument.

 Dimitra. Slight light leakage here on the film; also some motion blur on her hand. If I say it was deliberate, it becomes lomography. Win.

Tommy and Rochelle. Love the expressions in this.

Click on the images to make them bigger, btw. I realise not all of you appreciate teeny-weeny-eye-strain-o-vision.

Gonna order some more photographic paper tonight; only reason I stopped is cos I ran out. It's strange, working in the darkroom distorts your sense of time. You can be in there for what feels like an hour, and it turns out the whole day has gone. 
Got some plans to burn some text into them; thoughts, feelings, emotions. This will be based purely on outward expression of the subject.

Been thinking about that Doug story too... Think that might look pretty swish as a Dave McKean style comic. What do you think? 

- Padfoot

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