Wednesday 1 February 2012


I scribbled down some nonsense that was sort of like the train of thought in my head; disconnected words and sentences running together. As an experiment, I put these onto some of the photos I printed yesterday:

notes from the collaborative practice lecture 

a nonsensical scribbled rant

Also, this was kinda interesting. Yesterday when printing, one of my photos didn't fix properly... it started off as a small yellow stain, and I figured it would be alright. Then, when I got home, it looked like this:

This giant, bruise-like blob appeared on the surface of the print.
A perfectionist might throw this away; but I am a fine artist: If I can make up some random bullshit to explain how its meant to look like that, then we're all groovy. 

I have some more paper and film on order, so may well be doing some more of these sneaky photos in the coming weeks... I'll keep ya posted.

- Padfoot

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