Monday 9 January 2012


I've actually been working, much to everyone's surprise. Including my own.

This is a good feeling though; the creative juices are a-flowing rather nicely. Think I just needed to sit down and crack out some good work.

Recently I've been looking at Frank Miller, author of the comic series SIN CITY. I just can't get enough of his gritty, film-noir art style... Here's a tasty example.

Anywho, this reminded me of that WANTED poster I made, purely on a random whim and because I thought it might be funny. I wanted to have a bash at making a SIN CITY style character, change my appearance like that Cindy Sherman chick used to do... Except I wanted to make a villain, someone mysterious, and not a rape victim or a housewife. So I threw on a scarf and my famous trapper hat and goggles... and this happened.

I'm not sure about it personally;  in the words of a fellow art student, it has been described as "a russian fish". 
Do me a favour and bother him at until his fingernails bleed ;)

I can see his point though...To get that Frank Miller style I have to use a special filter in Photoshop, and my god, its a bastard to get right. I have plans to blow this up into a big stencil at some point, probably if I get bored over the Gallery week.

for now though, time for me to be off. Gonna attempt to sleep, but I had a can of Monster with dinner, so thats probably a lost cause. 

- Padfoot

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