Wednesday 18 January 2012


The last two days have been a bit of a 'mare, to be honest. Been zipping back and forth between London, Milton Keynes and Hatfield a fair bit... Last night, after visiting Tate Britain, I was on the way to Hatfield by train. Halfway there, I realised that I had forgotten my uni house keys and so had to crash on a friend's sofa for the night. As a result, had very little sleep, but still managed to get to London to spend the morning looking at the Gesamtkunstwerk exhibition at Saatchi, and then mosey back to Hatfield to spend the afternoon/evening getting absolutely thrashed at Guitar Hero by my prospective new house-mates. So at present, I am absolutely fecking knackered, and the room I am sat in feels like its moving a lot more than it should be D: 

Anyway. To business.
TATE BRITAIN - visited 17/01/12
Bought a Big Issue before going inside. That's my good deed 
done for the year. 
I didn't spend ages at this gallery (I was attempting to get round and get home before rush hour) but even though it was only a flying visit, I did see some cool stuff here. Most of this was metalwork; there were some strange, stretched out forms of forged steel or cast bronze by Kenneth Armitage and Reg Butler that wouldn't be out of place in a Neil Gaiman novella.

Left: Woman by Reg Butler (1949). Forged steel.
Right: People in the Wind by Kenneth Armitage (1950). Bronze.

In another room, there was an Indian style headdress by Bill Woodrow, constructed from and still connected to different found objects. I liked the way that Woodrow had recycled these items, used them to make something completely different and therefore change the identity of the object.

Car Door, Ironing Board and Twin-Tub with North American Indian Head-Dress 
by Bill Woodrow (1981). Mixed Media.

Also, there was this guy. 
Sleeping on the Job - Me (2012). Digital photograph.

I do love candid photography... I just couldn't resist. 

As I said, I did also visit the Saatchi gallery today; but I am desperate for my bed... So I'll blog that particular visit tomorrow.
Until then - take care y'all.
- Padfoot

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