Thursday 26 April 2012


Assessment deadline is next week, and most of my work is only in digital form on this blog. And so commences the frantic rush to print everything out and stick it in some form of portfolio... I've now been in the library for about 3 or 4 hours wrestling with the university's printers. I swear, they're literally eating my print credit... and the worst part is, if my printer at home hadn't gone on the blink there would be no need for this madness. A pox on all EPSON printers!

Kind of a good thing though, ended up discovering some missing works. For example, this composite I put together during the making of Lost in My Cups...

 Completely forgot that I made this, however since putting it on my Facebook page everyone seems to love it so I definitely want to include it in my portfolio for this year. 

Also found these from a modelling shoot done with the same plastic cup scultpure:

The versatility of this thing and the amount of work I've managed to make from it will never fail to surprise me; what started as something I cobbled together out of boredom has ended up being the germ of several of my ideas for the past semester.

Anyways - onwards and upwards. Recently I've been looking at some of Ralph Steadman's "inkblot" illustrations, and I love the messy, rapid style of it. 

Left: The Spirit of Gonzo                Right: Self Portrait

For the final couple of weeks and assessment, I'm gonna throw together some of these drawings, and superimpose them over photographs - perhaps making a kind of duality; the subject is smiling in the photo but the illustration shows a twisted, anguished form... a way of showing the id, or "inner evil" that we all possess. This idea was also influenced by Gillian Wearing's work "HELP". 

The subject looks reasonably calm, but the word HELP scrawled on the board he is holding evokes a strong sense of pathos; the feeling of an intense struggle below the surface is hinted at.

I'll update with photos once its all sorted. In the meantime, this sketchbook isn't going to finish itself...

- Padfoot

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