Saturday 21 April 2012


It would appear that someone disagreed with my "U MAD?" stencil.

This someone took a marker pen and scrawled PRICK in massive letters next to the design on the wall; at first I was a bit like "How rude." Then I thought about it, and realised that the original intention of the piece was to provoke a reaction. Which it did... somewhat spectacularly.

I'll try and get a photo of this, but I have a feeling that it will have been covered up already - Profanity doesn't hang around for long in the studios.

In addition to this I have received a surprisingly polite note from some of the older students, opening with "Dear Padfoot: Yes, we mad." Something to do with them needing the space for their degree show, so sadly U MAD shall have to be obliterated.

However - the piece achieved what it set out to do, and in that respect, I feel no remorse in painting over it.


I was recommended by several people to go see Shrigley's exhibition at the Hayward Gallery on London's Southbank, and I must admit I'm glad I did. I felt a very strong connection with his work, as he has very similar interests and the same anarchic and sometimes dark sense of humour. He works with a variety of media, including bronze, ceramics, pen and ink illustrations, and animation.

Here's one of his darker animations, entitled New Friends.

This animation, while appearing to be light hearted, speaks volumes about the need to conform to society's norms, and the base human instinct to reject or change things that are different or unknown.

What particularly interested me was his photography, which documented work similar to my "guerilla installation" ideas. Some of these were just small signs, one in the middle of a stream with the words "RIVER FOR SALE", and another urging people to keep an eye out for a lost pigeon. Made me chuckle.

Anyways, still sorting out how to make this installation idea work, gotta think of something soon in order to be ready for the degree show. Thinking maybe a team of three people, including myself - one to place an object / sculpture, one to take a photo, and another to come and remove it again. In essence, this is a kind of passive aggressive vandalism; the offending object is there, photographed - but only for a matter of seconds.

Hopefully all goes well with this and I won't get arrested.

- Padfoot

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