Saturday 19 October 2013


'Sup, internet?

Well I'm pretty much bedridden today, as I maybe drank a bit too much cider last night. Maybe. So I figured I'd update this thing.

So... where to start? 

I'm back at uni, for my final year - But I guess that's fairly obvious. I'm also living with much nicer people this year - feels great to be able to be in a house where I'm not losing weight from stress and feel like I'm about to go insane all the time. Sadly those assholes I was living with are still trying to cause trouble. But let's not go into that. 

I've been bashing out a surprising amount of work; I'm actually fairly confident about where my studio practice is going. Started out by experimenting with acetates, trying to transfer digital images into analogue ones printed in the darkroom. I can't even begin to tell you how good it felt to get back in there - it's strange. I find a kind of inner peace in that dim red light, mixing all those chemicals together. Maybe it's my inner 4-year-old fondly reminiscing about the time when I combined a buttload of different shampoos into the sink. I think it was shortly after someone had read Roald Dahl's old classic "George's Marvellous Medicine" to me. I remember basking in the glory of my creation. Sadly my mother didn't see it that way. 

But I digress.

I also made some pretty awesome polaroid images by accident. 

Basically the film I was using had expired around 2 years back, and so the chemical paste wasn't spreading properly up the image. "fuck this" I said, and proceeded to manually squeeze the chemical over the image with implements ranging from the edge of a table to an old gluestick. And I got some really interesting results. I love happy accidents.

I'm thinking of getting some more film, potentially expired, and trying to make some more images like this - or if not, just making them as weird as possible. Sadly however this stuff is hella expensive so I'm waiting until I get paid before I buy any more. Besides, I should really get started on my dissertation.

urgh. if there's one thing I'm almost definitely shitting a brick about, it's that.

I should probably go get on with that.
Or at least, I say I will, and then end up playing Dead Space 3 again. Even though it is fucking terrible.

ah well. Until next time.


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