Wednesday 17 July 2013


I've probably got you expecting some kind of world-shattering revelation now. Sadly, I'm still working on that, so you'll just have to be patient.

Good news however; I have had TWO works shortlisted for the Cork Street summer show! My happiness knows no bounds, and dances of joy shall be performed.

these are the two works that got shortlisted: 

 Making Faces - triptych of long exposure portraits
I took these in college, many moons ago.

Holes - Remember those awesome hole pictures? 
Yup. Here they are, winning awards and shit. Incredible.

While this is all very exciting, now I have to frame the damn things. Still, if they sell (which I hope they will) I stand to make a tidy bit of money out of this venture. Not sure about Making Faces but I think Holes will be more appealing for someone to have on their wall.

I've also entered a photographic portraiture competition at the National Portrait Gallery; only cost me £25 to enter so figured it would be worth it. Only problem so far is that they require a model release form - since most of my work is done on the fly, I rarely get a chance to get people to sign these. I was gonna submit one of my photos of the Ace Cafe bikers; however I didn't even get her name, so unless I do something potentially very silly like forging the form, I don't think I'll be able to submit it. I've entered the work with the very ambiguous name of "The Biker"; so in theory I'll be able to get down to the Ace Cafe again, shoot another portrait and get a release form signed. Of course, this requires a titanic effort on my part, and great expenditure on train travel; so maybe I'll just do that silly thing instead that no one ever does, ever.

One more thing: Finally managed to develop a roll of 120mm film I exposed around 6 months ago, at a photo shop round Milton Keynes. Sadly however, they've all come out a bit... blue.

But, thanks to the magic of Photoshop and many hours of careful adjustments and spectacular swearing in equal measure, I've managed to fix them.

At first I was unsure, but now, looking back on these photos with fresh eyes (after the aforementioned marathon of colour correction) I really love the warmth of these photos. That's the odd thing about using analog techniques; sometimes I hate using it, and I don't know why I keep doing so - it frequently goes wrong, its expensive, and its bloody hard to get right - but when you do get it right, it's so god damn satisfying. Totally worth it. Also, as someone who uses both analog and digital editing methods, it's interesting for me to be able to bring together these two technologies and have them complement each other. It's almost poetic. Something old and something new coming together to form something that's not quite as good as either.

And on that terribly executed Mighty Boosh quote, I bid you all good morrow.

- Padfoot

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