Friday 2 November 2012


Some new work for you, my delicious internet fans. 
These were inspired by the work of Barbra Kruger and Robert Frank, another way of incorporating text and image. Not sure what I should call it; but I'm thinking maybe Screaming in the Margins. Sounds pretty kickass.

The text is all from the short story PAPERCUTS that I published on here a couple weeks ago; I printed them out in massive font on A3 sheets of paper and just threw them on the floor, then took pictures where they landed. Also, someone had left some painted canvas in the middle of the room... pretty handy, as it happens. Made a tasty backdrop to my scribblings.

Also been trying to do some characterisation for Alan, the protagonist of the story. Many middle-aged beardy men have been startled by me taking photos of them this week... also gonna raid Google images later. Maybe I could even persuade an SFX student to do a collab with me and make me look proper old. Eventually I'm hoping to get a short film out of it.

As far as the Jack Kerouac experiment is concerned, I have the necessary materials - now I just need to borrow a typewriter from someone.

CREATE DESTROY REMAKE OBLITERATE is also on the back burner for now; charity shops are surprisingly expensive around Hatfield... so until I find some cheap shit that is actually cheap as well as shit, then I shall start smashing them. Should probably film that.

And now for the weekend. Bring it on motherfuckers.

- Padfoot

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