Tuesday, 28 February 2012


As part of our Readymade Sculpture workshop with David Kefford, myself and a few other students had the opportunity to work with found objects and one of the university's life drawing models, Gerald. These photos document how we combined the two into a very different form of sculpture.

For the full shoot visit my Facebook page...

Just a word of warning however - Gerald's gallery contains some male nudity.

That's all for now folks - Still got a few shots from the trip to Berlin to edit, so I shall try and get those finished by tomorrow night. In the meantime however... Peace out, and rock on.

- Padfoot

Monday, 27 February 2012


Few weeks ago the venerable Mr David Kefford dropped in to dispense more of his "ready-made" installationey wisdom into our arty brainboxes. Despite turning up ridiculously late I was adopted by Fergus' group, and started throwing things at the dirty snowdrifts left behind in the car-park to see what happened.

This is the result:

That's all for now. Tomorrow though... Some lovely photos of dear old Gerald, the friendly neighbourhood transvestite. I've been meaning to sort these photos out for a little while now, but alas, photoshopping them has become a most heinous task. He's awesome though, seriously.

- Padfoot

Friday, 10 February 2012


Pretty self-explanatory really.

Last couple weeks we've been having these badass group critique things; they're a bit different, and mine were all in the afternoon so I got to lie in on both days. Which felt EPIC. Especially since I've been suffering from some serious manflu. Serious as in every time I sneeze, my arms go dead for a few seconds D: Weird stuff.

Anyway - From these two sessions I have established the following...
- Michael Wright does not like Noel Fielding's art
- My work is apparently "mischievious and anarchic"
- Having a ham sandwich and a can of sugarfree red bull with someone counts as a date.

I've also been mucking about with some Polaroids... Not really trying to achieve anything with them, I just love the style.

Ideas for the next few weeks...
Gonna paint on some mugshots, attempt a Dave McKean style comic through loose and spontaneous illustration, and maybe throw paint at people whilst taking photos of them.

Gosh, I really am a mischievious anarchist :P

 - Padfoot

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


I scribbled down some nonsense that was sort of like the train of thought in my head; disconnected words and sentences running together. As an experiment, I put these onto some of the photos I printed yesterday:

notes from the collaborative practice lecture 

a nonsensical scribbled rant

Also, this was kinda interesting. Yesterday when printing, one of my photos didn't fix properly... it started off as a small yellow stain, and I figured it would be alright. Then, when I got home, it looked like this:

This giant, bruise-like blob appeared on the surface of the print.
A perfectionist might throw this away; but I am a fine artist: If I can make up some random bullshit to explain how its meant to look like that, then we're all groovy. 

I have some more paper and film on order, so may well be doing some more of these sneaky photos in the coming weeks... I'll keep ya posted.

- Padfoot