Tuesday 26 February 2013


As mentioned before, I've been working on getting together some random candid shots of people I have a connection with, and playing with the narratives/stories they suggest.
The most obvious example is the people I live with - a minor disagreement that has blown up into us basically not talking to each other, and the emotions and passions that have been expressed as a result, led me to try and photograph them; I figured that this might produce some interesting results. However, because of the current situation this has been remarkably difficult... near on impossible, in fact. 

I did manage to get some pictures of them, whilst they were fairly drunk at a club night and temporarily forgot that we were mortal enemies. Having said that, chances are they didn't even know it was me taking the photos.

Despite this, I confess that I feel no pleasure having taken these. I thought that doing this might help channel my negative feelings for these two girls into something creative; I was hoping to make a contrast between how I feel about them and how they look in the photograph, eg: the title may be something along the lines of "that bitch I have to live with", but in the photograph she might look serene and beautiful. But there is most certainly no contrast here. And frankly, I feel like I have sunk to their level by engaging in an activity as openly spiteful as this.

Time for a change of plan I think.

- Padfoot

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