Wednesday 5 September 2012


Greetings once again, and welcome back. Did you miss me?

Well, it's been a totally kick-ass summer, apart from busting a nut working at t'cinema... but hey, I'm all about breaking conventions, me... and what's more unusual than a fine art student that's not balls deep in an overdraft? 

But I digress. I've not had much opportunity for creative outlets the last two months, simply because I had adopted a kind of one or t'other existence - either awake at work or asleep in bed. Occasionally a mixture of both.

However, now I've got some time off before going back to Hatfield for Level Five, I have been digging through some of my old work around the house... Found some proper old ones, like.

These for example - Some snapshots I took in college using a pinhole camera made from a shoebox. These were captured during a very experimental phase in the project and I was still trying to master the process - so they're a bit shit, but still pretty cool lookin'.

Slightly later in my college course - I made a small foray into urban exploring, or urbexing, to pursue a project based around a theme of decay. 
The full set of photos from this trip, an abandoned wing of an old Army communications base, can be found at

Whilst bumming around these various derelict spaces, I found several files full of old paperwork and letters, some dating back to the 1950s. I decided to combine these with my photographs, using both darkroom techniques and Photoshop to overlay the text onto the image.

These were the final pieces for the Decay project. I used the text overlay from previous experimentation, and processed the images using the HDR technique.

Also... I just found this lurking in a forgotten photoshop projects folder. Not really sure what the motivation behind this one was, I just remember it being based on Lonesome Big City Dweller by surrealist photographer Herbert Bayer. That dude had a crazy-ass imagination, make no mistake.

Right, that's enough of memory lane for now; check back tomorrow for another dip into the archives... who knows, there might actually be something worth looking at it in there.

Keep it metal.
- Padfoot

1 comment:

  1. Patrick,the had and eyes looks very much like Pan's Labrynth (on my films to watch list. Maybe the designer got the idea from Bayer. Nice work!
