Monday 24 June 2013


Greetings, my loving fans.
Again, it's been a fair while between blogs, I know. I need to be more on the ball with this thing.

Well, let's bring y'all up to speed. I'm now back living in good ol' Milton Keynes after the end of my second year, which I aced with a pretty solid 2:1 overall despite my hardships due to my living situation. Many celebrations were enjoyed. I've definitely made a transition though this year; while in my first year I was more interested in generally fucking shit up, intervening, leaving my mark on the world and recording it, this year I've found I was more of an observer; I simply took photos of what was already there, and it was only rarely that I actually interfered (for example, the "impossible" photos where I flipped a few things upside down).

See that? It's a text link. Isn't that cool? Something I learned how to do recently... That's the magic of HTML people. We're living in the future, for reals.

Anyway...For my final show, I was definitely feeling the pressure. I felt like I couldn't produce anything original; so struggling for ideas I went and sat in my garden. It was here I noticed a few holes in my fence, so I started photographing them as close up as I could - the results were a lot more interesting than I had ever anticipated.

From here, I started looking for other things that had holes in them - and from there, I managed to build a strong set of photos for my final show. I photographed holes in floors and walls, finding small, unremarkable voids in the world and bringing attention to them. 

Judging from the pretty positive reaction from my tutors, I'd somehow managed to completely blow everything else I had done this year out of the water. Though I am glad of this, part of me is a little anxious about where I could go next. Despite the fact that, according to my tutors, my portraits are not as exciting as my other photos, I think an interesting continuation could be a project examining holes in people, but I'm unsure of how to actually create that at the moment. Either way I do enjoy photographing people, capturing moments, and so I'd like to improve and show the tutors that I can work in that way as well. 

Speaking of my work, I admit I haven't taken an awful lot of photos since I've been back, I've been mostly busy with re-integrating back into life here in MK, and entering competitions with my existing work. So far I have entered some of my works into open calls from Cork Street, the National Portrait Gallery, and a few online organisations; I've yet to hear back from them but I'll be sure to update this when I do.
I do have some rather nice events lined up this weekend in London however; those will be posted on my Facebook page, PATOGRAPHY. (holy shit, another text link. Fuck yes, these things are awesome.) Check it out if you fancy seeing multiple photos of some seriously bad-ass metal bands and drunk people being very silly.

So here we are again. Another year done. If there's one thing I've learned for sure over the past 12 months its that no matter what happens, all you can do is just trudge forward. No matter how big and how much of a nasty fucker that cloud looks, it will always have a silver lining - the trick is you've just got to find it. 

Alright, that's enough inspirational bullshit for one evening I think. 

Until next time.
- Padfoot